Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to buy diamond engagement ring?

Recommended in a person's life, highly significant event. If you want it to be perfect, nothing is more beautiful than the diamond ring made. Diamonds are eternal, this is how the song. And women love them, some of the. So, make sure you win your woman's heart, in this special occasion to buy the right diamond ring. When buying diamond engagement ring, finding the main thing is do not buy fake. Unfortunately, the market is filled with fake diamond ring. Ensure that from a well-known dealer, you buy the ring, and asked warrantee as well. Authentic genuine diamond certificate, specifying that they are real. The next step will be to determine what the experts called for three CS: Cost of diamonds, cut and color look. Select the appropriate size. Diamond carat is a measure of the number and the higher the carat, diamonds greater. Diamond larger, more expensive is, but when it comes to an engagement ring, you can ignore this. A large diamond ring is more valuable, with a small diamond ring, have the same number carat diamond completely. Diamond also has cut interest rates. They can be hexagonal, pear, heart-shaped, octagonal, it all depends on the diamond was found in the original shape and the shape of the selection of experts, has completed the cut. In the form of contributions to the ring is not necessarily the value, it is only to pick your own taste like shape. Another qualifier of the value of a diamond is its color. Most people are familiar with white or transparent diamonds. However, there are several colors, diamonds are found, this does not mean they are fake, or that their exposure to different substances. There are real diamonds can be found in the pink color, green, yellow and even blue. Colored diamonds are very rare, leading in fact, a real colored diamonds are very expensive. If you want a colored diamond ring, does not cost you a fortune, you can choose a diamond ring artificial coloring. These diamonds are diamonds by the fans, even if they are not exactly the "real thing." Last but not least, decorative, diamond ring, which is should you (or your lover) taste. There are many models to choose from. Some dealers will produce the exact ring you order. This will take some time, but you will have a unique person with a unique engagement ring. A good idea to visit several diamond dealers and decide what you want to model.

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